Web Client - separation process

Web Client - separation process

As we separate from a web client, we've found the below actions are best to take to ensure ownership of accounts is transferred, our server space is reclaimed, and data is archived.

  1. Receive e-mail/written confirmation from the client and/or Chet regarding the discontinuation of the service(s)
  2. Remove monthly maintenance tickets
  3. If warranted, share the username/password for Domain Registration, DNS, Hosting, and WordPress to new owner(s)
  4. Review and share list of plugins that need ownership moved over to the new owner.  These plugins may need monitored to ensure renewals under our account do not occur.
  5. Review and ensure the WordPress theme (i.e. Divi) is moved over to a new account
  6. Within hosting (WP Engine), download a full copy .zip of most recent backup point
  7. Delete the site from hosting (WP Engine)
  8. Archive account within Hudu (password vault)